Saturday, 21 September 2019

How to Sell Online Video Courses

If you are an online marketer or blogger, then you have probably wondered about how to sell online video courses. Perhaps you have become an authority in your market or niche and you realize that an online course would be a great way to further serve your audience.

Let’s step back a moment and think about the best ways to connect with your existing online readers. If you have ever researched methods for connecting with potential clients, then you have already heard the words of successful marketers. They always tell us that the very best way to connect with our audience is to “emotionally connect” with them.

Why am I emphasizing this point right now in an article about creating online courses? The answer is simple, online video courses are the perfect way to connect emotionally with your audience.

As we all know, online videos are much more powerful than the written word. It allows you to connect with viewers in so many ways.

Connecting Emotionally With Viewers

Let’s consider four (4) basic elements of an emotional connection between two or more people:

connecting with peopleAddress them in their world. The best way to connect with someone is to go to places where they like to hang out. Do not always wait on them to find you.

Speak their language. Demonstrate that you are well-versed in the niche that you and they share. Remember, you cannot settle for being a small talker if you want to be an authority in your market.

Show them that you know their plight. Point out some common problems that you have experienced within the niche. Tell them how you solved them and the steps you took.

Build rapport. Finally, you want to address issues that you KNOW they have experienced. Share specific details with them about how you dealt with these issues and most importantly, how it made you feel. When you build a strong rapport with them, they will usually take any steps you recommend. This includes joining your mailing list or placing an order.

As we review these four (4) emotional connection elements, we can see that there is no better way to apply them than by using them in videos. This is why creating online video courses can greatly enhance your online presence and marketing efforts.

Reaffirm Your Audience

There are so many marketers out there who neglect one of the most important aspects of marketing – especially online marketing. They do not take the time to really get to know their audience or who they really are.

The common thing is that marketers think they know who their readers are, but more times than not, they don’t. I have been doing this for many years and am just about always surprised at who reads my blog posts.

The good news is that you do not need to pay out tons of money to get this information. There are several ways that you can analyze your traffic for free. Let us examine a few of them:

Google Analytics – All you need to setup Google analytics is a Google account. And to make things even simpler, after you have setup your blog on your free Google analytics account, you can then install a free WordPress plugin like Analytify.

With Analytify, you can now get a quick view of some basic traffic stats from your blog, and you can view them right from the blog’s dashboard. But in order to get an in depth view of your traffic, you will need to go straight to your analytics account. Moz has created a wonderful Beginner’s Guide to using Google Analytics.

marketing audienceSocial Media – If you have been online for a while, then you have probably established some social media accounts to extend your brand. This allows you to communicate directly with members of your niche and community.

If you have yet to setup your social media accounts, then you should do so right away. But you can also use social media to learn about your audience. You do this by spending time hanging out in the social communities of the major influencers within your market.

Start participating in the threads and conversations that are going on in those big online social communities. You must add some real value there if you want to be seen as an authority in your market. Don’t leave hollow comments like “good post” or “I agree”.

Market Forums – Niche forums are really the secret to finding out what’s important within your market. What is surprising is how few marketers are actually using these forums for this purpose.

The reason marketers do not use forums is that they take some effort. You really need to spend some time there several times a week to feel the pulse of the audience. If you spend some time doing this, then you will find yourself understanding your audience much more than the average online marketer.

Feel Their Plight

feel their plightAfter identifying your audience and understanding ways to connect with them, there is one last powerful way to boost your marketing efforts. What I am talking about is finding out what their biggest problems are.

It is through their most prevalent discomforts that you will establish the deepest connection with your audience. To do this, you have to feel what they are feeling and tap into those emotions.

To take it a step further, you need to convey these things in your communications with them. Obviously, you will use some form of media to connect with your audience. Incidentally, this is why successful copywriters are among the wealthiest people in our society, because they are experts in the art of tapping into the emotions of readers.

Videos is the Most Successful Message Delivery System

Over the last decade or so, we have seen the popularity of online videos literally explode. This is because this medium is by far the best at appealing to the emotions of their audience. This is not my opinion – it is a known fact among marketers.

Check out these three (3) video marketing stats:

  1. 87% of all online marketers are using video content.
  2. One third of all internet activity is spent watching video.
  3. On social media, video generates 12 times more shares than text and images combined.

As you can see, there is a huge upside to employing video in your online marketing efforts. Secondly, online video is here to stay and will only grow more and more.

The Easiest Way to Sell your Own Online Video Course

One of the most profitable things you can do online is create and sell your own video courses. There are two (2) big advantages in this video course business model:

1) You only have to create the video course one time.

2) You can earn from selling that online video course over and over again.

Now imagine if you had five or ten video courses that you were selling. Cha-ching!!

Here’s the easiest way to set all that up:

1) Open up an account at Teachable

2) Up load your online video courses to your Teachable Account.

3) Teachable will give you a unique link to your video course. You then market and share this link on blogs, social media, paid ads, etc.

4) Teachable will manage the payments for you and give video course access to your paying customers.

Click Here to Learn More about Teachable

When you learn how to sell online video courses and master the process, you can write your own ticket.

The post How to Sell Online Video Courses appeared first on eCashOne.

from eCashOne

Thursday, 19 September 2019

3 Things that Best Blogging Courses Have

If you have been considering an investment into an online blogging course, there are some things that such courses must address. In this article, we will address three (3) things that the best blogging courses will always have in their syllabus.

Let us be honest, there are dozens of blog courses out there which fall very short. The reason for this usually lies in the background of those who create and publish the blogging course.

For instance, I often see people with strong graphic design backgrounds teaching others about creating a blog. They go about instructing readers how to make their blogs visually stunning and how to coordinate colors and graphics. This is very helpful, but a person can overdo the graphics to the point that it wrecks the blog’s ability to rank in the major search engines.

And then you have the person who has magnificent writing skills. Their blogging courses tend to focus more on the content and the verbiage. Their blog posts are generally not very eye catching, and unless the course author understands search engine optimization (SEO), they will not be getting more traffic unless they buy ads.

If you haven’t surmised by now, we need to find a good balance between these vital elements that are found in the best blogging courses. Learning how to balance these three (3) factors is well worth the effort. Because when you do this, your blog will easily stand out among its competitors and you will get more traffic that you will know what to do with.

Why You Should Be Blogging

Let us not forget the overall benefits of blogging and how valuable it is to your brand. Consider these facts:

  • Creating a blog gives brands a 434% better chance of ranking in the major search engines.
  • Brands that have blogs get 67% more leads on average than brands without them.
  • Almost 40% of a brand’s total web traffic comes from their most popular blog posts.

These facts alone should totally illustrate why we should have blogs. And get this; there are hundreds more blogging facts like these that further prove the value of blogging. The only question should be why you didn’t start looking for online blogging courses sooner.

Let us now examine the three (3) things that the best blogging courses always have.

1) Why Did You Publish that Last Blog Post Anyway?

Blog posts must have an overall purpose. You would be shocked at how many bloggers are unable to answer the above question. Yet you should not even write the first word until you know the answer to that question. Otherwise, your readers will get bored – guaranteed.

The good news is that there are basically only four (4) purposes for creating a blog post. And those are posts that entertain, posts that persuade, posts that educate, and posts that report. Let’s examine each of these.

selling postsPosts that Persuade. Most of us probably dread seeing this kind of blog post. These are the posts that are trying to sell us something. They could be selling us a product, they could be selling us a service, or they could be selling us an idea.

If this is the purpose of your blog post and you are not fully aware of this, then I guarantee that it will fail miserably. In order to persuade with your words, there are a series components that must be employed in the proper sequence. The most effective persuasive blog post is when you demonstrate that you understand the plight of the reader and they can feel the sincerity in your words.

entertaining postsPosts that Entertain. These are the kinds of post that most people are looking for at the end of their workday. Most of us go online to be entertained. We want to unwind and enjoy ourselves.

People who are witty and have a good sense of humor are best at writing entertaining posts. A word of warning here – be very careful with sarcasm. Sarcasm is often taken the wrong way by readers without building rapport with them first. However, never forget that the harder you can make them laugh – the more they will share it with their friends.

educating postsPosts that Educate. If you are striving to be an authority in your niche or market, then this is the type of blog post you should be using most often. These are posts that all of us read whenever we want to learn something or when we have a problem that needs solving.

Everybody has gone to the web to solve a problem because we know that most likely, someone else has gone through the same thing. Remember how you felt when you found a real solution that worked on the Internet?

Now ask yourself what happens when go to solve another problem online and you find the solution on the same blog as you did before? That blog goes way up in value in your mind. What if you created blog posts that solved all kinds of problems like that in your market?

news postsPosts that Informs and Reports. Earlier I said that entertaining posts were the posts that were probably read most often. The type of post that is read the second more often is this kind of post. This is because this type includes current news and news events.

Reporting the latest news and events will always be popular, but it has one huge drawback. News posts are the least evergreen content you can publish on your blog. After we know who won the 2016 GOP Primary, we are not interested in reading about it in the year 2022. However, the other types of blog posts will probably still be relevant for many years. News information quickly dies – and so do many news blogs.

Hybrid Posts. We would be foolish not to mention that most blog posts will have bits and pieces of each of these types of blog posts. But in the end, the post will be predominantly one type.

Every course about blogging should point out the different blog post types and how to use them.

2) Why Did I Write About That When I Started With This?

Blog posts must be focused and must stay on topic. This is a very common problem with bloggers and the best blogging courses must be willing to address this issue. Not everyone is a polished writer. In fact, most people find it very difficult to put their thoughts into words – much less organizing those words in a way that would entice others to read them.

The answer to this problem lies in learning how to outline your blog post. A solid outline will keep your writing on topic and keep your words focused. Without a guide of some sort, your words end up rambling on with no purpose at all. Such words are usually too boring to read.

Personally, I plan every aspect of my life on Excel Spreadsheets, and this includes outlining my articles and blog posts. Outlining your content is not that hard once you understand the basic approach. And the basic approach that I am referring is very simple.

You should plan on writing five (5) total sections. The first section is an introduction to the overall purpose or thesis of your article. It should also include a little teaser as to why the reader should want to read the rest of the article.

Sections 3, 4, and 5 are the primary reasons or topics that support your thesis and introductory section. And finally, in the last section, you give a brief review of what you just told your reader. And you also re-emphasize the reasons for remembering and sharing your article with others.

Here’s a Diagram of the basic outline for an article:


3) Why Did I Write About That?

Topic selection is perhaps the biggest mistake that bloggers make in creating content to attract readers. This raises the question as to how we are deciding the topics to write about. Are we waiting for a great new idea for a topic? This approach will yield a very low success rate in the long run. Which means you will be wasting your time writing blog posts this way.

An online blogging course should probably spend more time on deciding what topics to write about than any other aspect of blogging. Bloggers must realize that topic selection will determine success more than any other aspect of blog marketing.

I have some good news for you about picking topics. You can greatly increase your success rate by using two (2) methods:

Social Media. Log into one of the primary social media sites and begin searching for content using basic keywords in your niche. Now start identifying the social media posts that are getting the most likes, shares, comments, and engagements. Begin building a list of potential blog topics with these popular social media posts. If you do this for a week or two, you will be shocked at how big your list has become.

Competitor Top Posts. This is a little harder to find unless you have an account with sites like Ahrefs and Moz. But what I like to do is sign up for a shared account of Ahrefs for a month or so and then perform a ton of research while I have the shared account.

All you have to do is enter the URL of your main competitor and select “Top Pages” from the left sidebar. This will tell you exactly what topics that their readers have liked. Ahrefs will also let you find their competitors as well, which will lead you to even more topics.


If you are seeking a quality online blogging course to help improve your blogging, then hopefully this article will assist you in finding a blog course that will help you find success.

The post 3 Things that Best Blogging Courses Have appeared first on eCashOne.

from eCashOne

Saturday, 11 May 2019

5 Powerful Ways to Connect with your Blog Readers

connecting with blog readersIf you own a blog, then you are forever seeking new ways to connect with your blog readers. This is because as we corral more readers, our blog gains more authority and popularity. Thus, readers become the lifeblood of our blogs.

How many blogging tips have you used that yielded results for you? How many additional readers has your blog gained in the last two months? These are the questions that we must be asking ourselves constantly, if we are to see improvements.

There is no doubt that many bloggers are new and therefore temporarily have little control over many things pertaining to the success of their blogs. In such a circumstance, we must focus on things that we can control and that will make a real difference in the long term with persistence and patience.

5 Ways to Establish a Powerful Connection with your Blog Readers

So now let us examine 5 powerful ways to connect with your blog readers, and to connect with them for the long term. There are writing methods and techniques that we can use which serve to leave a permanent impact on those who read our words.

1) Know your Audience as well as possible. When you first create your blog, you must install within it the means of analyzing its visitors. There is no reason not to do this because it can be done using tools that are completely free. If you have a WordPress blog, then you can install a free Google analytics plugin which will link to your free Google account where you can set up analytics.

This free setup will provide lots of data that you will later find valuable. This data will reveal to you who your readers are.

Let me ask you this, would you write your blog posts differently if the majority of your readers were women, aged 20-30? How about if they were middle aged men? What if most of your traffic came from Pinterest or Twitter? How would that affect your future actions? You never know who they are or where they come from until you look at the data. You might be very surprised.

When you get the full picture of who your readers really are, you are then able to build a view of empathy for them. And it is through empathy that you create rapport with them. And from a state of rapport you are able persuade and influence them as you see fit.

2) Feel the plight of your audience. This is where the true magic of your words lie. When you can understand your readers to the point of actually feeling what they feel, then you are fully prepared to tell them what they want to hear.

Prior to the creation of every blog post, you need to imagine how your readers feel about your chosen topic. View it as if you were the reader and feel the feelings that they feel about the topic. This is definitely an art and needs some practice to master, but those who have mastered this art have been amply rewarded for that. It is definitely worth spending your time in perfecting.

creating blog posts3) Solve their biggest problem. When you understand your readers, then you already know their biggest problems and concerns. When we say solve their biggest problem, we are referring to the topic of your blog post.

If you show them how to solve their biggest problem, then you have achieved many things at the same time. For starters, you demonstrate that you really do understand their plight.

Secondly, they will feel gratitude towards you for resolving a major problem in their life.

Thirdly, who do you think they will look towards for more tips and advice? This is why you must be willing to solve many problems for them – over and over again.

4) Be Consistent. When I say be consistent, I am referring to your blog posting. You should thrive to stay on some sort of schedule and routine with your blog posts.

I recently saw a statistic which stated that over 90% of all blogs that exist on the Internet have been abandoned by their owners. What they have learned is that blogging is not as easy as someone let them to believe.

They started their blogs, but did not experience success quick enough and were therefore abandoned. Imagine if you were a reader of one of these abandoned blogs and you got value from their words? You were left high and dry.

This is why you need to let your readers know that they can expect a new blog post every day, or three times every week, or whatever you decide. How often you post is not as important as sticking to your schedule. Let your readers know you won’t abandon them.

5) Write catchy headlines. Writing headlines is very important. Without a headline that attracts attention, your blog post will not be read by many people at all – regardless of how well it is written. An average blog with an awesome headline will be read many times over. This is simply the way it is.

There are many professional writers out there who will tell you to spend 50% of your time writing your article (or blog post), and then spend the other 50% of your time writing the headline or title.

Most writers will spend an hour or so writing a blog post, and then spend only a minute or two thinking of a headline for the blog post. This practice will not serve anyone very well.

While spending several hours writing a headline may be overkill, I think it is quite reasonable to devote 20 or 30 minutes on the headline. Another approach is to write something like 20 headlines and then pick the best one.

Seeking reasonable ways to improve your headlines is well worth the time.

The post 5 Powerful Ways to Connect with your Blog Readers appeared first on eCashOne.

from eCashOne

Sunday, 17 March 2019

How to Create Great Infographics

In today’s blogging and internet marketing environment, marketers can make a huge splash quickly through the effective use of infographics. Learning how to create great infographics is definitely a skill worth taking the time to learn. As you might imagine, whenever we examine successful infographics, we will find the existence of a handful of common […]

The post How to Create Great Infographics appeared first on Cloud Authority.

from Cloud Authority

Friday, 15 March 2019

6 Infographic Elements that Cool Infographics Have

We online marketers have all seen the impact of infographics over the past 5 or 6 years.  The fact is that a colorful infographic provides data visualization to viewers which allow them to understand the data more fully. Whenever we come across an infographics design that conveys a strong message, tells its story by blending […]

The post 6 Infographic Elements that Cool Infographics Have appeared first on Cloud Authority.

from Cloud Authority

Monday, 18 February 2019

The True Purpose of Content Marketing

We are seeing the term ‘content marketing’ pop up more and more in discussions about online marketing and blogging in general. That term actually addresses much more than meets the eye. Many people define content marketing as a conversation between a brand and their target audience. In my opinion, this is a very accurate description […]

The post The True Purpose of Content Marketing appeared first on Cloud Authority.

from Cloud Authority

Sunday, 17 February 2019

Why Your Online Business Depends on Listening to Social Media

One of the relatively new online marketing tasks is listening to social media. Many of you are probably wondering “What is listening to social media?” Social media listening is the process of monitoring your social media channels for any news or comments that refer to you or your brand. This has become more and more […]

The post Why Your Online Business Depends on Listening to Social Media appeared first on Cloud Authority.

from Cloud Authority